Roepe Store – Heavily Discounted E-Commerce Scam is an online vendor of home goods. The Roepe selection consists of makeup vanities, coffee tables, hammocks, cookware, and storage containers.

About Us

The About Us or Contact Us pages do not have significant information that could be utilized to validate the legitimacy of the website. It does provide the email address, which is connected to the Roepe Store and Marni Store, which is no longer available.

With no physical address, it is impossible to conduct an American business search.

Not BBB-Accredited

The Roepe Store is not accredited by or registered with BBB.

Domain Information

The website was registered on January 27, 2021, to an individual or entity in Xiang Gang, Hong Kong.

Image: WhoIs

Facebook Page

Roepe’s Facebook page has no activity since January 27, 2021, besides a customer requesting contact information.

Image: Facebook

Afterword – Roepe Store Scam

Is the Roepe Store a scam? There is no evidence to support such a theory. Roepe claims to be an “e-commerce company,” according to its Facebook profile. Again, there is no evidence to back up these claims. However, the unusually low prices are a red flag for a scam. For example, the Modern White Makeup Vanity, which includes a table with a mirror is priced at $18.84 while the Electric Massage Sofa Chair is priced at $16.58. In all actuality, these prices would not be enough to cover the shipping fees, let alone the products.

Image: Roepe Store

Roepe is looking more like a scam website every second. Here is another unofficial website selling high-ticket items at heavily discounted prices. If it is too good to be true, it is probably not true.

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