TFS ID PRO – Targets Vulnerable Seniors With ‘Fake’ Reward Letters provides security measures to protect consumer information. The service combines multiple security measures – identity fraud monitoring, dark web scan, lost wallet service, credit fraud protection, and ID theft insurance – to help consumers keep their identifying information out of the hands of hackers.

About Us

The About Us page does not provide any significant information to help validate the legitimacy of the website. The Contact Us page utilizes the toll-free phone number (888) 351-6902 and physical address 1609 Co. Rd. 42 W, #303, Burnsville, MN 55306.

A business search via the Minnesota Secretary of State website validates TFS ID PRO is an active business at 1507 E. Hwy 13, Burnsville, MN 55337. The company was registered on January 12, 2017, to Family Savings, Inc.

BBB-Accredited Business

Family Savings is a BBB-accredited business with an A+ rating and a 1-star customer rating. The company has 12 unresolved BBB complaints regarding fake reward letters. The complaints allege Family Savings reaches out to elderly consumers “fake” urgent notices. The letters say the recipient needs to claim a monetary reward.

Claiming the reward requires a paid subscription. One particular BBB complaint claims the company “scammed” an elderly family member out of $299.40 in membership fees.

Afterword – TFS ID PRO Scam

Is TFS ID PRO a scam? First and foremost, it is a registered-Minnesota business. As far as legitimacy goes, the company is mostly known for its fraudulent award letters.” The company appears to be targeting vulnerable, unaware senior consumers.

The business practices utilized Family Savings are fraudulent. Unfortunately, BBB doesn’t see it this way. Here we go again, BBB protecting an obvious fraudulent company. Seniors are the most vulnerable to scams because they are unaware of online scams and tend to trust just about everyone.

If you or an elderly member has been scammed by Family Savings, it should be reported to the FBI. BBB is supposed to be helping protect American consumers from fraud but this definitely isn’t the case here. The A+ BBB rating is very deceptive. It is obvious the agency is more concerned about profit than consumer welfare.

There are several ways to report TFS ID PRO or Family Savings to the FBI. You can submit a tip online or contact your local FBI field office directly.

Would you trust this company to protect your personal information? You may as well hand over your personal information to a dark web scam artist.

If you are over the age of 55, you should expect to receive a TFS ID PRO urgent notice in the mail very soon. You should play along with the scam just to see how far the company is willing to take it. Be sure to record your conversation, so you can turn it over to the FBI.

7 thoughts on “TFS ID PRO – Targets Vulnerable Seniors With ‘Fake’ Reward Letters”

  1. called to cancel my fake subscription and this gal told me that I could get this protection for only $9.50 a month. She went on to tell me what they cover. I told her I’d have to talk to my husband and would get right back to them. Googled this compant and found out that they take seniors over 55 for a ride. So I called them back again and this guy answered and said he has cancelled my subscription. I have no way of recording on my phone so it was just verbal.

    • Glad you managed to escape the spider’s web. If only everyone else was so lucky. Sad that these people target the most vulnerable people in the world. Be sure to tell everyone you know so they can avoid these scammers too!

  2. My husband recently received a postcard from TFS ID Pro stating, “URGENT NOTICE ”

    “Our records indicate that we have a reward in your name.”

    “We are holding $100.00 in savings for you as a member benefit, good at most retail or online stores – in your name! Please call us toll free at 1-800-377-4541, for details on how to claim your reward as soon as possible.”

    He has received many scam letters and phone calls in the past. Luckily I was able to convince him not to reply to this one.

  3. Just received my Urgent Notice in the mail as well. Same holding $100 in savings bull. I decided to look them up and I’m glad I found this.
    I wish I could record my conversations because I’d love to help shut them down!

    • Good for you for taking the time to do your research. There are so many fraudulent websites online, taking advantage of American and European consumers. Most of these websites are operated by Chinese and East Indians. Do not buy from an unofficial website either, these are fraudulent as well. Google needs to ban these websites because they are scamming unaware consumers out of thousands. Thanks for sharing.

  4. I checked my mail before it gets here with the United States Postal Services with it’s informed delivery ( that is free to down load from the US Post Office official site) And I seen this card I looked it up and sure enough we have another scam! Please don’t fall for these I also I received a different one yesterday that was a pre-paid visa card where you had to call and activate the card this also is a scam it will come to your mail as study participant don’t fall for this one either. Make them get their money the right way WORK FOR IT! .


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