Clay County Sheriff’s Office investigating after four-year-old shot on Wednesday

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A four-year-old was shot in Clay County, Florida on Wednesday. The Clay County Sheriff’s Office is currently investigating the shooting. CCSO reports that it received a 911 call from the 2400 block of Clover Avenue in Middleburg around 12:19 p.m. regarding a four-year-old child who had been shot. At the scene, deputies secured the scene … Read more

Clay County Sheriff’s Office Investigating Potential Shots Fired During Middleburg Christmas Parade

police tape on ground news

Clay County Sheriff’s deputies assigned to the Middleburg Parade heard what was believed to be gunfire. A canvas of the area resulted in the detainment of four suspects. No injuries had been reported when the initial alert was posted by the Clay County Sheriff’s Office on social media at approximately 8:39 p.m. The area has … Read more