Kegura –Earning 150%+ Profit Dropshipping From Alibaba is an e-commerce store, with a diverse selection of timepieces, jewelry, sunglasses, and apparel. About The Merchant The merchant, Kegura claims to have a storefront at 5915 Sepulveda Blvd, Los Angeles, California 91411. A Google Maps search did not connect the address to a location. Google Maps validates the address as “no precise.” The … Read more

Ebay Amazon Dropshipping – What The Customers Are Saying

If you are an avid online shopper, you probably have heard the term “dropshipping” more than a few times. Many online venders are utilizing dropshipping services to store and ship their products to American consumers. While there is nothing unlawful about dropshipping, it has a reputation for being connected to scams all around the globe. … Read more