Stacey Jurik TX

Stacey Jurik sentenced to 32 years for creating child porn with photographer Grant Durtschi

Collin County District Attorney Greg Willis announced that 40-year-old Stacey Jurik had been sentenced to 32 years in prison for Continuous Sexual abuse of a Child following a jury’s guilty verdict. According to authorities, Jurik was contacted by a photographer named Grant Durtschi in 2021.

Authorities allege that Durtschi traveled between states photographing children and many of the photos were sexual in nature. It was alleged that Jurik was aware that Durtschi produced child pornography and arranged for him to photograph a child in her care.

Jurik reportedly brought the child to numerous photo shoots from 2021 through early 2022 and would discuss ideas and themes for the shoots with Durtschi beforehand. Authorities say the photo shoots involved the child posing partially and fully nude as well as taking part in simulated sexual acts.

Jurik would allegedly prepare the child for the shoots and position the child in these sexually explicit poses. She allegedly remained for the entire shoot and helped Durtschi in getting the child to cooperate. Jurik was paid by Durtschi for each of the photo shoots as well as a large percentage of the proceeds he made from selling the photos online.

Another child who had been photographed by Durtschi reported him to the FBI in Louisiana in August 2021. The FBI started a months-long investigation. The FBI seized over 50 electronic devices belonging to Durtschi and some contained sexually explicit photos and videos of the child Jurik brought to him. Authorities say the videos showed Jurik’s active participation.

A jury returned a guilty verdict for the first-degree felony offense of Continuous Sexual Abuse of a Child. Stacey Jurik was sentenced to 32 years in prison with no eligibility for parole.

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