sedley alley wrongfully executed

Sedley Alley – Wrongfully Executed?

Sedley Alley was convicted for the murder of Suzanne Collins on March 18, 1987 before being sentenced to death on May the 17th of the same year. Many years later, he would declare his innocence through counsel and plead for additional DNA testing on various objects found during the murder investigation.

Unfortunately, his request would be denied and Sedley would be executed before the DNA testing could be carried out. Now, his daughter and the Innocence Project is fighting for that DNA testing. Will the test results confirm that the state of Tennessee executed the wrong man? Or, will it show that they had the right man all along?

Enjoy the videos and thanks for watching. Be sure to join our Facebook groupgroup so you can discuss this true crime case and many others 24/7. Part 2 is out. Will update this page with the YouTube play list.

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