In 2017, it was that reported over 191 million prescriptions for opioid painkillers were dispensed in the United States. To avoid the side effects of these drugs, many pain sufferers are turning to safer, natural alternatives. One particular brand gaining a lot of attention is Relief Factor, a natural supplement utilized to fight pain.
Relief Factor Ingredients
Relief Factor is a unique type of pain management. Dosages are individually packaged with four capsules. The two capsules contain 667 milligrams of turmeric and 200 milligrams of epimedium (horny goat weed) and the two gelatin caps contain 5 milligrams of cholesterol, 15 calories, 1.5 grams of polyunsaturated fat, 1.5 grams of fat, and 1400 milligrams of fish oil.
Contact Us
The website does not have an About Us page or Contact Us page. The only detail provided is the phone number (800) 500-8384, which is linked to Promedev. BBB shows the address for Promedev to be 11335 NE 122nd Way, Ste 140, Kirkland, WA 98034.
A business search via the Washington State Department of Revenue website Promedev as a registered LLC located at the address above.
BBB-Accredited Business
Here is another BBB-accredited business with a less-than 3-star rating. There are about 16 complaints where customers are alleging Relief Factors is ineffective. Other complaints are about pricing, refunds, auto-shipping issues, and side effects.
Relief Factor is way overpriced compared to similar supplements with turmeric, horny goat weed, and fish oil. Opt for Nature Made instead and save yourself about $60 per month. If you do not purchase the Relief Factor QuickStart packet ($19.95 plus $6.95 for shipping) right from the get-go, you will not receive the discounted monthly cost of $79.95 plus $6.95 for shipping.
Relief Factor Scam
Promedev is a registered Washington-based LLC. With this said, the company has a lot of negative customer reviews. It appears Promedev does not follow through on its guarantees. According to many of the complaints, the company does not offer hassle-free returns or refunds.
The company is not known for good customer service. For a licensed business, Promedev does not offer competitive prices, hassle-free refunds, or good customer service. It is questionable whether the Facebook reviews on are genuine.
With so many customer complaints regarding ineffectiveness, it is likely Relief Factor is nothing more than a “placebo.”
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.