ReatDeaf Medical Diagnostic Kits – Fake Or Legit? is an online vendor of medical diagnostic kits. ReatDeaf Diagnostic Kits include an otoscope and ophthalmoscope.

About The Vendor

ReatDeaf is located at 43rd Court, Decatur, Illinois 62526. A Google search shows the address is a residential property. The contact name is Darnell Emanuel and the phone number (862) 293-1126.

Image: Google Search Results

A business search via the Illinois Secretary of State website did not render results for ReatDeaf.

Image: Illinois Secretary of State

Not BBB-Accredited

ReatDeaf is not registered with or accredited by the BBB.

Facebook Page

The website does not have a Facebook page.

Domain Information

The website was registered on March 4, 2021.

Image: WhoIs

Afterword – ReatDeaf Com Scam

Is ReatDeaf a scam? There is just not enough evidence to make this determination. However, the website does not have a BBB registration or Facebook page. There are no negative customer complaints attached to the website.

Similar kits are available at AliExpress, Alibaba, and Amazon. More evidence is needed to determine the real legitimacy of ReatDeaf.

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