Pawrade – A PetPay Puppy Auction Website is an online puppy adoption website. The website claims to not be affiliated with puppy mills. Pawrade ships puppies, excluding snub-nosed breeds all over the world via air travel. The service also offers local pick up and home/ground delivery for $699. Air flight and ground delivery include GPS tracking, according to the website.

Image: Maryland Government Business Express

About Us

The About Us page does not provide significant information that could be utilized for validation purposes. The website claims to offer local pick up but does not provide consumers with a physical address.


Facebook Page

The Pawrade Facebook page has 1,262 followers, with little consumer interaction. One of the puppy links provides the toll-free phone number (888) 729-8812. A Google search connects the phone number to Pawrade and several other websites, including, (a scam website),,, and It is also connected to Credova Puppy, which also appears to be a scam website.

Image: Google

Domain Information

The website was registered on March 3, 2006. The registrant is an organization known as PetPay.Inc based in Maryland. A business search via the Maryland Business Express did not render results for PetPay or Pawrade.

Image: WhoIs

Not BBB-Accredited

Pawrade or PetPay are not accredited by or registered with BBB.


PetPay is a platform that bridges the gap between consumers and puppy breeders. The website allows its members to post puppies for adoption and adopt puppies. was registered on March 3, 2002.

Image: WhoIs

Afterword – Pawrade Scam

Is Pawrade a scam? Is PetPay a scam? It is impossible to make this determination without the right information. The website has been established for quite some time, but an online trail is not available. The websites are not accredited by BBB.

PetPay or Pawrade are not Maryland-registered businesses. The PetPay Facebook page describes itself as a loan service.

Image: Facebook

There are a lot of puppy scams online. Facebook is notorious for puppy scams. It allows breeders to offer their puppies up for adoption, but are not permitted to mention puppy sales. Do not purchase a puppy from a breeder without validating first. AKC and CKC provide a list of licensed breeders in the United States.

  1. Sidharth Mehta says:

    Pawrade and PetPay are a bunch of cheats looking to make a quick buck and falsely advertising puppies. Less than 3 weeks ago (On Oct 11, 2021), I bought two puppies from Pawrade and Petpay in the total amount of $6,000 ($2600 each puppy + $550 delivery for each.)

    My experience is with one of the puppies who was advertised as a healthy 4lbs Toy Poodle with no health problems and the whole fancy promises going the whole 9 yards. The pups were fully-paid on October 11 (No questions asked and no bargaining) and delivered to me on October 22 in New York City. On October 23, as required by the contract with Pawrade and PetPay, a certified DVM examined the puppy. The examination revealed that the puppy was barely 2lbs (1.96lbs) with health problems (including Ear Mites), incomplete vaccinations (which Pawrade and Petpay claim are ‘optional’), and in poor hygiene.

    Upon contacting Pawrade and Petpay teams informing them about the situation while providing certified copies of the records, I was given a callous response – stating the weights on and petpay listings are “approximate” and not covered in their guarantee. As of yesterday, I got another lame email saying I was being issued a refund for “$38” for the ear mites ( for 1 pupp – they forgot about the other one who too had them.)

    I started the due legal recourse with my credit card company and had to withdraw the process voluntarily. My younger brother has been diagnosed with stage 3 pancreatic cancer and an estimated 6 months to live at the best.

    Between dealing with the situation and running around arranging for hospice care, I do not have the time to spend with the credit card lawyers despite having all the paperwork to prove the case of pawrade and petpay cheating me of $6,000.

    While I know going to local pet shops and finding breeders is a pain. But please note that pain is well worth it over being susceptible to thugs like pawrade and petpay.

    I have to live with my decision – take care of the puppy to my best ability knowing he may not be with us for long given his weight by not 1 but 2 separate DVMs here in New York City.

    I am taking the time and pain to write this so you are informed ahead. I did not have the privilege less than 3 weeks ago when I made the purchase. We all know that the thugs at Pawrade and Petpay will find a way somehow or the other to sell people smoke screens even if it is at the cost of selling living beings.

    This review on Pawrade and PetPay is being provided less than 2 weeks after the delivery of the puppies on October 22, 2021.

    Even the worst of businesses have a 30 day return policy so you can imagine my experience with and Please help in sharing this experience with your friends and family.

  2. Deirdre McAllister says:

    I had the exact same experience. The Pawrade team kept in close contact with me and sent me written demands:use their very expensive food, register with the Met life insurance (which doesn’t cover anything and is worthless), etc. I had to demand a meeting with the breeder and was reassured time and again that it wasn’t a puppy mill puppy. Well, they were definitely dishonest -my puppy is definitely from a puppy mill, not a reputable breeder as promised. She came to me filthy, grossly undervaccinated and with an ear infection. They were willing to stick her in a crate and send her on a plane from Indiana to California in that condition. I don’t know what recourse I have but don’t want this to continue!!

    • nayzayerz says:

      You should file a complaint with ASPCA and PETA. Also, it would help to file a BBB complaint against Pawrade. At least, leave a review everywhere – BBB, Trustpilot, Facebook, LinkedIn, and other reputable websites.

  3. Sara J Cebollero says:

    I was approved for 100% financing for a puppy, up to $5k. The puppy we chose was $3500 with shipping. When we went to purchase the puppy the refused to go any further without a “deposit” of $600 even though finance company approved well over that. These guys are charging fees and getting mad when you question it. The guy Aaron I talked to got upset and said well we don’t have to accept your financing then. Sounds VERY scammy that I’m approved 100% no money down but they want $600 from me. I canceled the transaction

  4. misty says:

    comment will be visible after it has been approved.
    What is this Pet pay? A puppy adopting company or a payment processing company? I am dealing with them right now. I have a subscription with They offer a pet emergency fund (up to 3,000 )that’s available to use once a year. It is also a chat platform to get advice about your pets health. Well, I had a weekend of hell dealing with both of these companies. On a Saturday my dog got sick (and on a Sunday I had to take my dog to the ER because she was not improving. Before they activate your emergency fund ,You have to upload a video so the Vet can assess whether it is an emergency. Once activated you have 4 hours to get to the vet and check in your dog . I followed all their guidelines and policies. To receive payment, the ER billing person called the number I gave him from the app. Pet Pay were the people who handle the payout. They did not pay because they said it was neglect on my end because I did not get my dog to the the vet within 24 hours. Onevets vet told me it was urgent and I had 24-48 hours. The next day she became worse and I contacted OneVet again so I could activate the fund. She did not get all of the care she needed because OneVet ( Pet Pay) did not honor their word. I couldn’t pay all of the bill at that time. I want my money and want them investigated. Onevet says they will forward this complaint to they’re ” internal team” which is Pet Pay. They are giving me the run around as I have the burden to prove it was not neglect .Pet pay is checking with my dogs vet here in Los Angeles to check up on my story. Who are these fraudsters. There is no mention of Pet pay processing the emergency fund. Check out the website.

    Note: please post this comment, the other one has spelling errors(θ‿θ)

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