Owensboro, Kentucky – The Owensboro Police Department has announced the arrest of a Kentucky Wesleyan College Student for allegedly filming another student. According to an OPD statement, patrol officers received a complaint from a female student that a male allegedly used his cell phone to film her while she was showering.
Officers spoke to the male student, 22-year-old Soufian Khaloufi Ouahbi who is supposedly from Spain. His electronic devices were also seized, according to OPD.
Police say a search warrant was obtained and the voyeurism investigation turned when the discovery of child sexual abuse material was located.
OPD says the forensic analysis revealed multiple photos of child sexual abuse material and a separate KWC student as a suspect. When Soufian returned to the United States from break, officers served an arrest warrant.
Soufian is charged with Possession of Matter Portraying Sexual Performance by a Minor Under 12 (5 counts), Video Voyeurism, and Possession of Matter Portraying Sexual Performance by a Minor over 12.
The other student, 20-year-old Alejandro Cuesta of Spain, has been charged with Distribution of Matter Portraying Sexual Performance by a Minor Under 12 (2 counts) and Possession of Matter Portraying Sexual Performance by a Minor Under 12.
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.
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