MaxWatch – Do Not Mistake For Watchmaxx is an online retailer of the MaxWatch. The digital interface shows the time, date, and heart rate in real-time. Sync the watch with your Android or iOS device to gain remote access, monitor your fitness progress, and answer phone calls in a hands-free manner.


The MaxWatch is priced at $49.99 plus $10.95 for shipping. You save $26.92 when buying one MaxWatch and more when buying in bulk.

The exact same watch is priced at $8.96 with free shipping.

The PayPal accountholder is eCommerce.

Domain Information

The website was registered on March 2, 2020.

Contact Us

The Contact Us page shows the address 919 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10022, which is an office building with 125 business tenants. A business search via the New York Department of State websites did not render any results.

Do Not Mistake For is another online retailer of timepieces. Unlike MaxWatch, Watchmaxx is a legitimate LLC located at 1762 Benson Ave, Ste A, Brooklyn, NY 11204.

Afterword – MaxWatch Scam

MaxWatch is not a legitimate American company. The MaxWatch timepiece is an AliExpress look-a-like. One MaxWatch will set you back $60.94. If you buy the watch from AliExpress, you can save $51.98.

American consumers should be aware of China-manufactured products, which are generally low quality. If you want a smartwatch, just save your money and buy it from Apply or another reputable American company.

MaxWatch is not a BBB-accredited business, so beware when doing business with this website.

Is MaxWatch a scam? If it isn’t, it will be.

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