Leonard Hensley Kentucky

Laurel County Sheriff’s Office arrests sex offender Leonard Hensley on child sex crimes

The Laurel County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a 58-year-old man in relation to child sex crimes. A social media post from the Laurel County Sheriff’s Office explains that Leonard Hensley was arrested on Friday, December 1, 2023, at approximately 12:22 PM. Hensley was taken into custody off Sonny Lane roughly six miles south of London following an investigation after a complaint was received.

As part of the investigation, Hensley was charged with three counts of sexual abuse of a victim under 12 years of age and use of a minor under 16 in a sex performance. Hensley is a registered sex offender who was previously convicted of sex offenses.

Authorities say Hensley was booked into the Laurel County Correctional Center.

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