With a recent press release, Nickel Advisors has become a big name in in the lending business. According to its website, Nickel Advisors can make things easier for customers by offering one simple payment, a lower interest rate, and peace of mind. However, consumers must be very skeptical when working with debt consolidation companies. Failing to do so could lead to big losses and major heartbreak.
Is Nickel Advisors a trustworthy company? We will try to find out.
Nickel Advisors Information
Nickel Advisors claims to be based out of Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. The company is using PO Box 7902 as its base of operations. The same post office is used by a handful of other companies including Keel Associates, August Funding, Clay Advisors, Ballast Associates, and Pennon Partners.
Funny enough, Keel Associates, August Funding, Clay Advisors, Ballast Associates, and Pennon Partners are all using the same type of website layout. It is either a cookie cutter content management system theme used by debt consolidation companies or they’re one and the same.
As for the phone number 888-226-9806, we can see that it is being used or has been used by several businesses. At one time, that phone number was used by Norwalk Waxing Service in Darien, Connecticut.
It also appears that the number was used for a home renovation service in Connecticut at one time.
The Disclosure
Furthermore, we should take a peek at the company’s disclosure page. Here, we can find out whether or not the company is a lender. Are they? No. On the disclosure page, you’ll see the following information, “Nickel Advisors is not an agent of you or any lender. Nickel Advisors services are only administrative. Nick Advisors is a paid marketing lead generator.”
This means that the website’s owner or owners are getting paid to send customers to another firm. We can search Google specifically for “is a paid marketing lead generator”. When doing this, we find a handful of companies using the exact same phrase. This includes FirestoneNational.com, CrispFunds.com, PolkPartners.com, and many others.
Once again, these websites look nearly identical to the website Nickel Advisors is using. Before using any of these websites, we need to receive a mail offer. Then, we’ll have the “Personal Reservation Code” needed to complete the online form.
Until we can do that, we really don’t know which firm these sites are working with.
Is Nickel Advisors A Scam?
Unfortunately, there are many debt consolidation scams out there. So, you have to be very careful when working with these companies. On the surface, Nickel Advisors is not really a scam. It is a part of a network of other websites promoting on particular debt consolidation company.
These websites are nothing more than affiliate websites for debt consolidation companies. Curadebt’s website offers information about debt consolidation affiliation. With this specific affiliate program, the affiliate can earn as much as $450 to $600 for each confirmed enrollment. They will earn $30 per debt lead with a $200 bonus per signup.
Suffice to say, it is best to avoid these middlemen. Whether debt consolidation is ethical or helpful is another question. Nevertheless, there is no reason to work with the affiliates since your information will pass through multiple hands before you finally speak with an actual lender.
Avoid these affiliates and go straight to the source if you are intent on taking advantage of these services. Furthermore, it should be noted that Nickel Advisors is only appearing on Marketwatch.com because they paid for a press release. The practice is shady because it makes it appear that Marketwatch and other companies are promoting or supporting these sites.
In reality, they’re simply getting paid to post press releases.
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.
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