Roger Dale Parham rape conviction arkansas

Human Remains Found 25 Years Ago In Lake Barkley Identified As Roger Dale Parham

Kentucky State Police partnered with Othram Inc. to identify human remains found 25 years ago in Lake Barley in Lyon County, Kentucky. Roger Dale Parham was reported missing after failing to appear on a rape involving a child in 1999.

Parham was a resident of Fort Smith, Arkansas when he was charged with rape involving a minor on November 21, 1998. Authorities believed Parham fled prosecution to potentially Mexico.

Two fishermen found human remains wrapped in tire chains on May 6, 1999, in Lake Barley. A hydraulic jack was utilized to weigh down the human remains. The human remains were exhumed in 2016 in hopes of making an identification.

Othram utilized DNA from a relative to identify the human remains from Lake Barely as Roger Dale Parham.

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