Ep-nutrition.com is owned and operated by EPN Supplements. EP Nutrition provides consumers with a decent selection of workout supplements, according to the website.
About EP Nutrition
The About Us page doesn’t provide significant information about the vendor. There is no physical address or phone number provided in the content.
A business search via the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s website didn’t render results for EP Nutrition.
EP Nutrition or EPN Supplements are not BBB-accredited.
Domain Information
The domain was registered on May 5, 2020.
EP Nutrition Refund Policy
EP Nutrition utilizes the return address, 2110 S Main St., Kingfisher, OK 73750. Google Maps connects the address to Viacore Nutrition Nucare. The address is also utilized by other websites, including:
- ViaCore Nutrition
- Blue Country Firearms
Viacore Nutrition
Viacore Nutrition has been rated 2.8 out of 5 stars via Google. The low customer rating appears to be linked to poor customer service. Supplements aren’t available at Viacorenutrition.com, just a promotional advertisement. The vendor has minimal Facebook followers and customer interaction.
Viacore Nutrition was registered as Domestic LLC on January 4, 2007, according to the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s website.
Viacore Nutrition is not BBB-accredited.
Nucare Nutrition
Nucare Nutrition was registered as a domestic For Profit Business Corporation on January 6, 2006, according to the Oklahoma Secretary of State’s website.
Nucare Nutrition is not BBB-accredited.
EP Nutrition Trustpilot 3.7-Star Rating
EP Nutrition has been rated 3.7 stars by Trustpilot. The low rating is questionable when there is only one 5-star review.
Enhanced Performance Nutrition 1-Star Facebook Rating
Facebook members have rated Enhanced Performance Nutrition 1 star out of 5. The review is linked to promotional spamming, nothing about customer service.
EPN Athlete Sponsorship
EPN Athlete Sponsorship claims to assist athletes to acquire supplements “at cost-price.” The vendor claims to have saved athletes about $400K. There is no evidence to support such claims.
A group of Reddit members discussed the sponsorship program. According to LifeSuccessEngine, the program requires a subscription. The Reddit user appears to have reached out to the vendor.
Afterword – EPN Supplements Scam
Is EPN Supplements a scam? There isn’t any evidence of a scam. However, the vendor isn’t registered in Oklahoma, according to the SOS website. Nucare Nutrition and Viacore Nutrition are legitimate supplement vendors based in Kingfisher. It is questionable if EP Nutrition is actually located at the provided address. It is most likely not.
The legitimacy of the EPN Athlete Sponsorship program is questionable. There is no evidence the program is genuine. We agree with the Reddit user, no legitimate company requires athletes to enroll in a subscription service to receive sponsorship.
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.
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