Andrew Vanosdol sex offender Dover Delaware

Delaware State Police Seeking Help To Locate Two Sex Offender Register Violators

As of December 15, 2023, two sex offenders failed to comply with Delaware sex offender registration laws. All registered sex offenders residing in Delaware are required to appear in person at a Registration/Verification Site, approved by the State.

Delaware State Police is looking for two registered sex offenders who failed to re-registered at their current address.

Robert Scott of Dover, Delaware failed to re-registered at his current address. Scott’s last known address was P.O. Box 430, Dover, Delaware 19903. Scott has been a registered sex offender since April 19, 2001. Scott is a Tier 3, high-risk sex offender.

Andrew Scott Vanosdol, 20, of Dover, Delaware failed to re-register his current address. Vanosdol is a repeat offender. Andrew S. Vanosdol is a Tier I, low-risk sex offender.

Anyone with information on the whereabouts of Andrew Vanosdol or Robert Scott should call the Delaware State Police at 302-672-5306.

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