Clarifion Air Soap LLC – C BBB Rating And 1-Star Customer Rating is an online retailer of air ionizers. There are two models available. The AerClear Purifier is priced at $99.97 while the Clarifion Air Ionizer is only $29.97.

About Us

The website does not have an About Us page and the Contact Us page does not offer any significant information. The Return Policy shows the owner and operator of the website to be Wyoming-based Air Soap. The LLC was registered on August 28, 2019, at 300 Spectrum Center Drive, Ste 1090, Irvine, CA 92618, which is an Irvine Company Office building.

The Wyoming Secretary of State website shows the company’s tax standing as “delinquent.”


After comparing Clarifion prices with Alibaba and AliExpress, it is obvious the company is overcharging its customers. We conducted a comparison of the Aer Clear Purifier and a similar air purifier on Alibaba.


The Nolans Alibaba Air Purifier prices are between $1 and $23, depending on the number of units you purchase. The Aer Clear Purifier, on the other hand, is priced at $99.97 per unit. And, this is not including the $9.75 tax and shipping costs.

BBB C Rating

Clarifion is not an accredited-BBB business. It has a current C BBB rating with 12 customer complaints that are related to non-deliveries, no refunds, and unanswered emails. One customer alleged she called to speak with a representative who told her the order was canceled and to expect a refund, which she never received. She tried calling the number a second time only to discovered it had been blocked by “Robo Killer.”

It appears Clarifion Aer Clear is utilizing fake tracking numbers, which are showing packaged shipped but stuck somewhere in California.

Domain Information was registered on November 8, 2018, to an entity or individual in California.

Afterword – Is Clairfion A Scam? is owned and operated by the LLC Air Soap. The company is utilizing the address of a suite in an office building in Irvine, California. Forming an LLC in the United States is a cakewalk. It can be done in about three days through the state of your choice. Any Joe Schmoe can form an LLC in the United States for less than $800. If you choose a state with low filing fees, you may get by paying only $100.

BBB fees are affordable, ranging between $30 and $500 each month. Just because a business is BBB-accredited does not mean your investment is safe. BBB really doesn’t do anything except threaten its accredited-businesses with a lower rating. Like eBay, PayPal, Walmart, and Amazon, all of which are BBB-accredited with hundreds, thousands in some cases, of customer complaints, which have not put a dent in their BBB ratings.

BBB acts as a medium or go-between for consumers and businesses. The agency does not offer consumer protection, but it does put the customer in contact with someone higher up in the company. Some companies fear BBB while others like Amazon, PayPal, and eBay could care less.

Things would be much different if Clarifion was an accredited-BBB business. It would have an A+ BBB rating with a 1-star customer rating. BBB is not much different than Yelp when it comes to rings. Yelp-accredited businesses always have the best ratings. Just read Yelp’s BBB complaints. And, you will see what we mean.

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