is an e-commerce vendor. Buzz-B-Gone has several models, including the BuzzBGone Zap Gen 2, BuzzBGone, and BuzzBGone Zap.
About The Vendor
The website does not have an About Us page. The Contact Us page provides several phone numbers – (855) 792-0194, (02) 5133-5674, and 03308-180836. A Google search connects the phone number (855) 792-0194 to various websites.
Not BBB-Accredited
Buzz B-Gone is not accredited by or registered with BBB. There is a BBB filing for Bugs B Gone, a pest control company in Indianapolis, Indiana. Do not mistake the two because they are not related in any way.
Moskix Band
Buzz-B-Gone is linked to the Moskix Band, a sonic wristband. When you click on the “Rush Order” feature, the redirect is no longer working.
Domain Information
The website was registered on March 25, 2021.
Trustpilot 1.6-Star Rating –
DFY Daily is an e-commerce website that peddles a broad range of products, including the Buzz B Gone “BuzzBGone”, Starscope Monocular, Two Hands, Blaux AC, EqualPlus Adjustable Reading Glasses, Range XTD Booster, NeckRelax Couple Pillow, Ochenwatch, DivinAir Charcoal Deodorizer.
The website has a 1.6-star Trustpilot rating. The 1-star customer reviews are related to robo-texting, violation of Refund Policy, non-deliveries, unexpected shipping fees, and poor quality products.
Thinknix Enterprises Limited
Thinknix Enterprises Limited owns and operates The website provides the address 1286 University Ave., #1019, San Diego, CA 92103. A business search via the California Secretary of State website did not render results for Thinknix Enterprises.
Alibaba Look-A-Likes
The BuzzBGone is priced at $36.96, while the Alibaba version starts at $2.90 ($4.90). The BuzzBGone Zap is priced at $20.99, while the Alibaba version starts at $3 ($4).
Afterword – BuzzBGone Scam “Buzz-B-Gone Scam”
Is BuzzBGone a scam? Is Buzz-B-Gone a scam? There is not enough evidence to make this determination. However, Buzz-B-Gone has been associated with a long-running scam. It appears the vendor has done a bit of upgrading, adding two new bug zappers and several websites, including DFY Daily. The website promotes multiple products that are connected to scams – Range XTD Booster, Blaux AC, Starscope Monocular, and BuzzB Gone.
The vendor is nothing more than an AliExpress/Alibaba dropshipper. While dropshipping seems to be innocent, it is far from it. Dropshipping is initiated with the sale of a product. In turn, the dropshipper purchases the product on a third-party seller on Amazon, Alibaba, or AliExpress. The seller ships the product to the customer. The entire process from start to finish, the dropshipper never touches the product. Dropshipping is a breach of confidentiality, as the dropshipper needs to share the client’s information with Amazon or Alibaba to complete the process.
The vendor has invested a significant amount of money in trying to legitimize Buzz-B-Gone. There are loads of paid reviews that fill several pages of the Google search results. The only legitimate reviews are those on Trustpilot and of course, Nayzayerz.
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.
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