Amazon Boycott 2020 – Why, How, And What Will Happen?

Amazon exploded and quickly became one of the most successful e-commerce businesses in the world. However, it left a trail of broken businesses behind. Once-thriving malls are now empty shells. Mom and pop business owners have retired early or are now being forced to sell on Amazon’s marketplace. The rise of Amazon has been great for a few but devastating for many and some say that the company’s founder Jeff Bezos is the equivalent of a modern-day slave trader.

As a result, some Americans have decided it is time to ditch Prime and move onto more moral pastures. The Amazon boycott of 2020 has participants on both sides of the aisle for various reasons. Climate activists, social justice warriors, conservatives, and others have unknowingly come together to boycott the e-commerce giant but we’ve been here before. Amazon has been boycotted by major bookstore chains, animal rights activists, and so many others.

It is possible to beat the Amazon machine? Can Americans really stay away from Amazon for more than a few weeks?

why boycott amazon

Facebook complaint about Prime’s slow shipping

Why Boycott Amazon?

Some are wondering why anyone would even consider boycotting Amazon. What has angered someone enough to convince them to cancel Amazon Prime and move to alternatives such as eBay,, or Bonanza? It isn’t hard to find criticism aimed at Amazon or its founder. There are countless reasons to boycott Amazon and most consumers could easily find one or more reasons to do so.

  • Amazon is reportedly one of the worst in terms of avoiding taxes. The company barely pays taxes to the United States government while receiving hundreds of millions in federal tax credits.
  • Amazon’s working conditions are “brutal”. Just recently, Amazon workers argued that the working conditions were unsafe and grueling. These complaints have been going on for many years. They’re allegedly so bad that they cause women to miscarriage at Amazon warehouses.
  • The company has been sued for its 3rd party seller practices. It dominates the “buy box” so 3rd parties can’t sell while also being accused of stealing product ideas from 3rd parties.
  • Lawsuits accuse amazon of firing pregnant workers.
  • The company is killing mom and pop businesses.
  • 3rd party sellers are often former brick-and-mortar store owners who constantly have to live in fear that Amazon will revoke their selling privileges for whatever reason they want.
  • Library and independent bookstores are disappearing and Amazon has a lot to do with that.
  • The site is full of shady sellers. And, Amazon allows Prime members to drop ship from Amazon to eBay buyers. This is a privacy concern.
  • The company could be considered a monopoly.
  • Jeff Bezos and Amazon have taken many political stances that many may not agree with.
  • Amazon’s marketplace is full of items that may incite hatred. For instance, some Amazon sellers are now selling Blue Lives Matter t-shirts on the platform.
  • Amazon has been accused of not protecting its workers during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • The customer service has gotten progressively worse and 2-day shipping is often much longer.
  • Amazon’s prices are frequently higher than what you’ll pay elsewhere.
  • Amazon helped build facial recognition technology used by police and ICE.
  • After the company increased the minimum wage to $15 an hour, it removed workers’ stock plans and bonuses.

Ultimately, the list goes on and on. Anyone with a good moral compass with agree that Amazon does a lot of shady things.

amazon boycott blue lives murder

Facebook complaints


How To Boycott Amazon In 2020

When you say you’re going to boycott Amazon, you’ll likely stay away from the company’s website. Unfortunately, Amazon is everywhere. Its web services division is used by thousands of websites including Netflix which uses AWS for most of its computing and storage needs. Furthermore, you’ll have to stay away from the countless other companies owned by Amazon including Whole Foods, Audible, IMDB,, CreateSpace, Junglee, Ring, Twitch, and others.

Make sure you stop visiting The Washington Post since it was purchased by a holding company established by Bezos several years ago. As for Amazon’s Web Services, it is used by Netflix, Twitch, LinkedIn, Facebook, Turner Broadcasting, Baidu, ESPN, BBC, and others. So, unfortunately, you may not be able to completely boycott Amazon but you can still do your part.

For starters, those serious about boycotting Amazon in 2020 should stop buying from Ditching Prime is also a good step in the right direction. Below, you’ll find tips for boycotting Amazon in 2020.

Don’t shop on Use alternatives such as eBay,, Bonanza, and others. When shopping on eBay and other marketplaces, you should do your best to avoid Amazon drop shippers. Amazon and eBay actively support this behavior since it funnels money to both companies. On eBay, be sure to read the seller’s feedback to ensure it doesn’t say anything about “Amazon reseller” or “Amazon drop shipper”. If you buy something on eBay and it comes from Amazon, report it and send the item back.

Avoid Amazon Videos. Amazon’s Video service is not impressive and it is getting more expensive thanks to Amazon Channels. Using Netflix will funnel money to Amazon since Netflix uses AWS. Hulu uses AWS too. Still, it is better to use these services than to give money directly to Amazon.

It is time to ditch Amazon Prime. The service is no longer what it was. And, you can find plenty of reasons why you shouldn’t give your money to Amazon. Amazon Prime rarely offers 2-day shipping anymore so is a free, better alternative. Why pay yearly for 2-day Prime when you can get it free on eBay?

When possible, it is a good idea to buy local or purchase items from independent companies. Finally, you should try doing business with companies that refuse to list their products on Amazon’s marketplace. Various companies including Ikea, Nike, PopSockets, and Birkenstock have cut ties with Amazon.

Their products may still be listed on Amazon from 3rd party sellers but the prices will likely be significantly higher. With this in mind, boycotters should visit the official websites for these companies so they can get the best deals and avoid Amazon. Also, you can use Facebook’s shopping feature to find items you may need.

amazon seller forums boycott

Amazon Seller Forums complaints about slow sales

What Will Happen With The 2020 Amazon Boycott?

It is impossible to completely boycott Amazon since the company’s Web Service is used by so many websites. Nevertheless, those interested in sticking it to Amazon can do so by staying off of and not buying from the Amazon marketplace. While it may not be possible to kill Amazon with boycotts, it may be enough to encourage change.

The company’s sales climbed significantly during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic but things are starting to slow. Many 3rd party sellers say that June has been a horrible disaster so far. Amazon is aggressively commandeering the “buy box” for itself and Fulfilled by Amazon sellers because it needs every sale it can get.

If enough consumers stick together and boycott Amazon, it will prove that buying power in America is powerful and it could force Amazon and other corporations to change their ways. Giving Amazon the middle finger may be a cause that Americans on both sides of the aisle can get motivated about. Now would be a better time than ever for the consumer to strike back.

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