Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office arrests woman at courthouse with drugs in her bra

The Allegheny County Sheriff’s Office has arrested a North Side woman after drugs were found in her bar at the courthouse. Sheriff Kevin M. Kraus reports that the woman is facing a possession charge after suspected drugs were found in her bra following her arrest at the courthouse.

Earlier today, 48-year-old Leslie Edwards was scheduled to appear in courtroom 521. The deputy assigned to the room learned that Edwards had an active criminal court bench warrant and an active arrest warrant out of Ross Township. Edwards was arrested when she arrived at the courtroom.

Two female deputies searched Edwards who denied having any weapons or contraband. Sheriff Kraus reports that two items fell from the bra she was wearing. The items allegedly included a suspected crack pipe with burn marks and a vial of suspect cocaine and/or fentanyl.

Edward was taken to the Allegheny County Jail for arrangement on drug and paraphernalia charges as well as the Ross Township charges.


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