is an online retailer of swimwear, cosmetics, lingerie, pants, and tops. The prices are discounted by nearly 1/3 of the retail price.
About Us
The website does not have About Us or Contact Us pages. The Return Policy shows the address 716 E. 78th St., Apt 101, Richfield, MN 55423, which is an apartment complex, according to WhitePages.
A business search via the Minnesota Secretary of State website did not render any results.
Sales Pop Plugin
The website utilizes the Sales Pop Plugin or something similar to show each and every sale. The notification pops up on the screen, bearing a new customer’s name and purchase details every few seconds.
Domain Information
The website was registered on March 7, 2019.
Alibaba Look-A-Likes
All of Acusling’s products are also on Alibaba and AliExpress. For example, the Acusling Fyre Swimsuit is priced at $11.99 plus $11.99 for shipping. The same bikini is priced between $2 and $3 on Alibaba plus shipping.
Afterword – Acusling Scam
Acusling is not listed on BBB but it does have a Facebook page with 405 followers. There is not enough information available to determine if this is a fake website. However, there is enough information to safely say it is not linked to a legitimate American company. Since there no genuine physical address, phone number, or BBB page, it is not recommended to purchase anything from the website.
The merchandise comes directly from Alibaba and/or AliExpress. Do a comparison of Acusling and Alibaba, you will find both offers the exact same merchandise. Both of these websites would be safer than
Is Acusling a scam? Probably!
Jay Skelton is an independent crime journalist with a passion for covering the uncovered and the under covered.