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Plato’s Closet owner Nicholas Zirpoli charged after being accused of recording several male and female employees using the restroom

The Morris County Prosecutor’s Office has announced charges against a Lincoln Park, New Jersey man. According to a press release from the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office, 35-year-old Nicholas Zirpoli has been charged with nine counts of Invasion of Privacy and one count of Tampering with Evidence.

Authorities say Zirpoli is the owner and operator of Plato’s Closet which is a clothing store in Roxbury Township, New Jersey. On or around February 26, 2023, Zirpoli allegedly used a device to record video of several male and female employees using the bathroom at Plato’s Closet.

Then, he allegedly destroyed evidence related to these acts. Zirpoli was remanded to the Morris County Correctional Facility while awaiting his first appearance. He was released on pre-trial monitoring conditions on December 13, 2023.

Anyone with information about this incident is asked to contact the Morris County Prosecutor’s Office Sex Crimes/Child Endangerment Unit at 973-285-6200 or the Roxbury Township Police Department at 973-448-2100.

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