Eric Fuller TN sex offender registry

Domestic Assault Investigation Reveals Eric Fuller Violated Tennessee Sex Offender Registry

Following the arrest of Eric Fuller, the Decatur County Sheriff’s Office determined he was a Georgia registered sex offender. Deputies arrested Fuller on November 26, 2023, following a domestic assault incident.

An investigator with the Decatur County Sheriff’s Office initiated an investigation on Fuller. The investigation revealed Fuller had been living at a residence at 7295 Brooksie Thompson Road in Decaturville, Tennessee.

Fuller was previously convicted on a statutory rape charge stemming from a July 15, 2016 offense.

Tennessee laws require out-of-state registered the sex offenders to register in person within 48 hours of establishing residency.

Eric Fuller arrested domestic assault Nov 2023

Image: Decatur County Sheriff’s Office

Fuller was also determined to have been employed in Decatur County since October 24, 2023. In addition to a domestic assault charge, Fuller is facing additional charges related to violation of sex offender registry.

U.S. Marshalls assumed the case on December 11, 2023. The Federal Grand Jury granted an indictment for two counts of federal violation of the sex offender registry.

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