Quality Performance Limited Corporation – Able Look Online Part 2 Another Alibaba Scam

Foreign scammers have discovered that many Americans will purchase anything without researching the product or website first. They’re preying on these individuals while peddling worthless products and offering impossible refund guidelines. Able Look Online Limited was one of the biggest Alibaba scams we covered but it is quickly being overshadowed by newer and more elaborate scams.

This is where Quality Performance Limited Corporation enters the picture. It too is running one of the biggest scams. Below, Nayzayerz will carefully research Quality Performance Limited Corporation and the products it is trying to sell to unsuspecting Americans.

quality performance limited scam

About Quality Performance Limited Corporation

First and foremost, you’ll want to learn more about Quality Performance Limited Corporation. One of the websites being operated by this entity is QualityGadgetShop.com. By visiting this site and checking the “About Us” page, we can learn more about the company.

The site is using the following information.

  • Email – support@qualitygadgetshop.com
  • Phone number – (855) 219-4892
  • Address – 377 Valley Road #1123 Clifton, New Jersey 07013



Searching for the company’s phone number is a good way to learn more about its products and performance. When searching for this number, we quickly find that the company is running several scams including the following.

  • TrifiBoost
  • RangeXTD
  • KoreTrak
  • HVN Sleep
  • Peace Play
  • Starscope Monocular
  • PerroPal
  • HeatCore
  • & More

We can see that this company is selling products that are very similar to what Able Look Online was offering. As a matter of fact, Able Look Online was selling the RangeXTD Range Extender too.

There is always a chance that the operator of Able Look Online is now operating Quality Performance Limited Corporation after being exposed by NayZayerz.


377 Valley Road #1123 Clifton, New Jersey 07013

It is a good idea to search for the site owner’s address. This isn’t a company address or the owner’s address. It is simply a space marker being used by the site’s owner. In all likelihood, the address directs to a PO Box, UPS Store, or shipping and forwarding facility. This is the case when it comes to 377 Valley Road.

The address is being used for all of Quality Performance’s bogus product websites as well as several other businesses. By searching for this address, we can quickly see that it is being used for the following sites and/or businesses.

  • MyRangeXTD.com
  • YourKoreTrak.com
  • QualityGadgetShop.com
  • GetTrifiBoost.com
  • DangoBuds Earbuds
  • PostNet (Likely not connected to this scam)
  • Top10Gadgets.shop
  • BuyHeatCore.com

It is also important to know that there are virtual office solutions available at this location. There is a good chance the operator is using one of these virtual offices to carry out this massive scheme.

Suffice to say, this is a big scam involving multiple products. I recommend avoiding any of these products because they’re likely imported from Alibaba and/or AliExpress.

divinair dehumidifier scam

Quality Performance’s Price

Divinair Dehumidifier

QualityGadgetShop.com is selling the Divinair Dehumidifier for $79.99. The site claims that the product is cordless, reusable, non-toxic, and safe. They also suggest that it offers 360-degree effectiveness. How can they back up these claims considering they’ve never tested the products? They’re simply ordered from Alibaba and/or AliExpress when an unsuspecting customer buys the product in question.

DivinAir Dehumidifier scam

Alibaba Price

The crazy thing is that you can buy the same dehumidifier on Alibaba for $10.50 apiece. It is also important to look at the websites receiving the DivinAir Dehumidifier. This includes the following websites.

  • TheGadgetOffice.com
  • GadgetNiche.com
  • TrendsPickers.com
  • ZestHoard.com
  • AdvancedLiving.com
  • TheFiscalView.com

Why does this matter? Well, some of these websites were created by the same individual who is operating the QualityGadgetShop.com website. We can find out easily by looking at TheGadgetOffice.com. The site has multiple products including the DivinAir Dehumidifier, HVN Sleep Mask, and Laundry Masher.

If you haven’t figured it out yet, TheGadgetOffice and the other websites mentioned above are specifically designed to market and advertise the products being sold on QualityGadgetShop.com. In today’s technology overloaded world, this could easily be referred to as a high-tech pyramid scene.

A potentially valuable product is found on Alibaba. Then, the scam operator creates a website for that product and begins selling it to consumers. After that, they create fake reviews and post them on fake websites they’ve purchased. Suffice to say, the scam is very sophisticated.



Okay, it is time to begin digging into the products being sold by Quality Performance. The first is the TrifiBoost Wi-Fi Booster. On QualityGadgetShop.com, this product is being sold for $99.99. A quick reverse Google Image Search confirms that the Trifi Boost and the Range XTD are one and the same.

We’re dealing with the same product. By checking the Range XTD Facebook page, we can see that it has tons of positive reviews but there is one funny thing to point out. Most of those reviews were posted right around the same time of the day on the same day. Many are posted on November 17 and 2 minutes apart.

There is a good chance these reviews were posted by bots. The negative reviews are more realistic and confirm that the owner is still scamming people. Unfortunately, this product is coming from outside of the United States. The seller is dealing with unproven “manufacturers” in other countries.

alibaba trifi wifi booster scam

The Trifi Boost is being sold on Amazon for $31 and the reviews are not surprising. Britton says “Device didn’t power up. No tech help. Will be returning.” The Amazon reviewer, works hard for his money, was not impressed either.

This user says “Not worth the money, ALL HYPE”. With 54% 1-star reviews, it would be best to stay away from this product.


Mindinsole Massage Insoles

QualityGadgetShop.com is selling Mindinsole Massage Insoles for $38.99. This is one of the cheapest products on the website. How generous of them, right? Not so fast. They’re able to sell the insoles for nearly $40 because they’re purchasing them for half a buck apiece.

Yep, you read that right. The same insoles can be purchased on AliExpress for $0.49 and $3.95 shipping. Why in God’s name would anyone pay $40 for these insoles when they can be purchased for less than $5 on AliExpress?

At the very least, AliExpress is a recognized website and offers a 90-day buyer protection plan. By purchasing products from QualityGadgetShop.com and other Quality Performance Limited websites, you’re setting yourself up for a disaster.

It is impossible to justify purchasing anything from these 3rd party swindlers.

mindinsole massage insoles scam

They’re much cheaper on AliExpress


Websites & Products To Avoid

Unless you enjoy throwing your money in the trash, you’ll want to avoid purchasing anything being sold by Quality Performance or Quality Gadget Shop. With this in mind, you should stay away from the following websites and products.

  • KoreTrak – YourKoreTrak.com
  • Range XTD – MyRangeXTD.com
  • TrifiBoost – GetTrifiBoost.com
  • QualityGadgetShop.com
  • Dangobuds Earbuds BuyDangoBuds.com
  • HeatCore – BuyHeatCore.com
  • PeacePlay – GetPeacePlay.com
  • HVN Sleep – BuyHVNSleep.com
  • PerroPal – PerroPal.com
  • EqualPlus+ – BuyEqualPlus.com
  • Starscope Monocular – MonostarScope.com & OfficialStarScopeMonocular.com
  • Infiniti Kloud – InfinitiKloud.com
  • OshenWatch


Other “Companies” To Avoid

Finally, it is recommended that you stay away from other fraudulent companies such as Able Look Online and Strong Current Enterprises Limited. Buying from these sites is a good way to create a headache for yourself.

Remember that these companies will force consumers to pay return shipping costs and you won’t get the initial shipping back. Heck, you’ll be lucky if you ever get your money back. In addition to this, the price is significantly inflated. Why pay more when you can buy the same thing on AliExpress for a quarter of the price?

Sadly, Americans will continue buying these products because they rush into it without thinking about it. Do your friends and family a favor. Spread the word so they don’t fall prey to these scammers.

  1. Vladislav Lazarevic says:

    Mitte Dezember 2020 haben sie bei mir den Kaufbetrag für Range XTD, abgebucht. Könnten

    Sie mir mitteilen wann die Ware an mich gelifert wird?

    Vielen Dank für Ihre Bemühungen

    Mit freundlichen Grüßen

    V. Lazarevic

    • nayzayerz says:

      You’ll be lucky if you get it. Even then, it likely won’t be what you expect. Probably won’t work. You’d be better off filing a claim against them with PayPal or your credit card company.

      Buy a name brand Wi-Fi extender instead.

  2. Moshe Gur-Arie says:

    What about this product: Automend Pro?

    • nayzayerz says:

      Never heard of it, will definitely check it out. If it is connected to Able Look Online, it is definitely fraudulent. Do a comparison of the products to Alibaba products, if they are fake, they will be available through Alibaba. thanks for reading


    We purchased 4 wifi boosters. The next payment comes out of Paypal in 2 days. What do you recommend that we do in order to cancel this payment? Thank you!

    • nayzayerz says:

      I recommend requesting a return. This will stop it, but it will give you an opportunity to get a refund from PayPal. I would go ahead package it, and pay for shipping and return it to the provided address. Do not wait for the shipping costs to be paid because they will probably ignore your request. Once the item is delivered, just contact PayPal for a full refund. In the meantime, we recommend filing a BBB complaint. This is the only way to get their attention because they fear getting their PayPal account banned.

  4. why is pay pal not checking out bad comp. out be for using our money. I now have case with pay pal with quality performace limited, over desk top AC, said has lithium batteries allergt fifter . whitch has batteries or filters

    • nayzayerz says:

      Because PayPal is making a lot of money off these scam artists. Most consumers who get scammed accept PayPal’s refund denial. We recommend filing a BBB complaint against PayPal. If enough people do this, they will eventually take the sites down. Do not give up until you have tried everything, including a PayPal BBB complaint. PayPal does not like BBB complaints.

  5. Ronald young says:

    I brought through PayPal One star scope monoculars telescope phone mount the price was £19.99 also I bought a star scope Monoculus telescope cost £46.94 total £66.93 G11 this order was made through PayPal on the 6th of May I have still not received anything from this company I have informed PayPal their advice was to get in touch with the company remember we have also had A pandemic which has caused delay I must give it 110 days and then let them know I have tried to contact the company but with no success thanks for your help

    • nayzayerz says:

      You are not dealing with a company. These are average Joe Schmoes taking advantage of vulnerable, unaware consumers. They are dropshipping from China, so returns and refunds are out of the question. File a BBB complaint against PayPal, that will get their attention. PayPal customer support is nothing more than a Chinese call center. Search “PayPal BBB”, here you will find tons of consumer complaints regarding the scam sales. Good Luck!

  6. Ronald Young says:

    I brought through pay pal 1 star scope monocular telescope phone mount cost £19 99p I also brought a star scope monocular telescope cost £46 94p total cost £63 93p (gg1) this order was made through pay pal on the 6th of may I have still not receiied from this company I have informed pay their advise was to get in touch with the company remember we have also had a pan Democrat that has caused a delay I must wait 110 days and then let pay pal know I have tried to contact the company but with no success thanks for your help

    • nayzayerz says:

      If PayPal refuses to give you a refund, file a BBB complaint. PayPal normally does not fight BBB complaints. Never purchase from an unofficial website like Star Scope Monocular. These products are being dropshipped from Alibaba and AliExpress, no offense, but these are nothing more than a pile of scrap.

  7. Roberta Warrren says:

    I stupidly ordered the Starscope Monocular online, along with the camera extender. One monocular and one camera ext. I have received multiple confirmations, but ultimately for 5 monocular. My Visa has been charged as follows:
    Here is what has been charged to my Visa: all the same phone number 855-219-4892
    May 10 Camera Attachment $24.91 Cdn
    May 10 Monocular $56.94 US 71.18 Cdn
    May 12 Monocular $56.94 US 70.79 Cdn
    May 12 Camera Attachment $24.99 US 31.10 Cdn
    May 10 Quality Performance $118.93 148.68 Cdn
    Seems each query about what is going on is met with another order charged to my Visa. I wanted one, but fell for the optional get another for just $19.99, so expected two Monos and one camera gadget so my great grandkids and I could watch the birds and the whales. Today my Visa has been credited $66.87 Cdn ($56.94 US). On May 25, five (5) Monoculars arrived, no documentation, just a Customs label. I have worked out that the 148.68 charge is for a set of one (1) mono regular price (one (1) mono 19.99, and one (1) camera attachment – this being my original order.

    Please advise what I should do. I fear that if I return the 5, my Visa would not be credited, and I would then be scammed $346.66. I have to say, though, that the product appears to be quite decent for the cost.

    I am a very careful person especially with my limited budget. However I had to resort to online shopping all last year as I was in care, locked in due to Covid. Now able to go out and about this drew my attention and ordered before I checked. I certainly do not mind paying for what I ordered. Thank you for your help.

    • nayzayerz says:

      Your only option is to file a chargeback with your credit card company. Find out what the deadline is for filing chargebacks. This is a big investment loss that should not be ignored. Also, file a BBB complaint against Quality Performance. It appears, the scammers are responding to BBB complaints, offering full refunds. Good Luck!

  8. Kristin says:

    I am not an affected customer, but I’m working for a software company based in Germany with a name that can easily be confused with “QualityPerformance”. Since they use an abbreviation in their credit card statement, customers tend to google this and end up with our website. So we receive an amount of messages, why they don’t receive their goods or why money has been debited without any order. Quite annoying!

    • nayzayerz says:

      Unfortunately, the scam artists behind Quality Performance are not alone. We have researched several scam artists utilizing legitimate companies as a face for their fraudulent websites. These scams are ruining companies like Lifetime, utilizing their product images. When customers order these products, they end up with something entirely different or nothing at all. Amazon and eBay are complicit in these scams as well. Amazon allows its FBA sellers to sell knockoffs for Nike, Reebok, and other top footwear brands. Instead of receiving genuine brand footwear, Amazon customers receive knockoffs. Not knowing the difference, the customers attacked the brands. Nearly every Nike and Reebok shoe sold on Amazon has loads of negative customer reviews, many of which are related to size. Think about it, Chinese manufacturers produce footwear and attire in small sizes, not American sizes. This is just one example. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Carrie Kreidler says:

    This company is a complete scam! Stay away from them. The crap they send you is NOTHING like what you thought you were paying for. It doesn’t work! Then you try and return it. You have to pay shipping yourself and then they don’t refund anything!! I’m out $115 plus another $30 for the postage.

  10. Alasdair says:

    They also run dfydaily.com have sent them over 300 emails in half an hour asking for a refund, do you think I’ll get it ? Probably not but what they going to do? Complain, I don’t think so, If they do I’ll let you all know.

    • nayzayerz says:

      No, you won’t get it. File a chargeback with PayPal or your credit card company. If this doesn’t work, file a BBB complaint. Scam artists detest BBB complaints and negative reviews. Here, you can also write a review to warn other consumers not to utilize these websites Good luck!

  11. Alasdair says:

    I did file a charge back with PayPal but Quality Performance Limited/qualitygadgetshop.com were shall we say being difficult, well after about 9000 emails (you gotta love python) they gave me a refund through PayPal.
    So yay a win for me, I guess If everyone else on here gets and this is very important gets a VPN and then looks on YouTube and types a search for maybe “Using Python To Get Revenge On Email Scammer” and adjust the code to suit their needs.
    There are many other variations of code to do the job and stuff for filling in web forms just like the ones Quality Performance Limited uses on its site, It should give everyone a few ideas on how it could be done, Disclaimer, I’m not condoning spamming or anyway encouraging anyone to spam anyone else

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