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Howell Township NJ man Christopher Sanchez admits to intentionally killing his pet cat named Lilith

Monmouth County Prosecutor Raymond S. Santiago announced that a Howell Township man had admitted to intentionally killing his pet cat earlier this year. During a hearing, 29-year-old Christopher Sanchez pled guilty to charges of Animal Cruelty by Unnecessarily or Cruelly Abusing a Living Animal, Resulting in its Death, and Simple Assault.

According to a news release, an investigation was opened on March 31 when Howell Township Police Department officers were dispatched to a residence for an unrelated matter and found the body of a cat outside the residence. Howell Township Police Department and the Monmouth County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Humane Law Enforcement Division investigated the incident.

The investigation determined that a cat named Lilith had belonged to Sanchez who allegedly used a sharp instrument to kill it two days prior. Sanchez was taken into custody on the same day as the initial police visit. The Simple Assault charge stems from Sanchez physically attacking his roommate shortly after killing Lilith.

Christopher Sanchez is scheduled to be sentenced on January 26, 2024. The State intends to recommend a sentence of five years in state prison and will ask for an order permanently banning Sanchez from ever owning an animal as a pet again.

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